
Showing posts from January, 2019

"Para saan ang PLANNER mo?"

Happy New Year! As of this writing, today is Day 4 of 365. Are you still pushing through with your sticker collection? How about your year end evaluations? In all of it, don't forget to celebrate all your wins, big or small. It's still a win after all. You did great! As for me, can I just share how happy I am for being a lot more organized with my life last year than before? I'm thinking, is it because I am getting old and it is mandatory to have a life vision? Or is it also correlated to the idea that I am planning not just for myself but for my husband too (and our future family)? Can it also be that all the training and workshops I attended related to time management and extraordinary productivity last 2018 are already paying off? Put your hands up if you're an OC and mega- planner like me! I thought I was already doing my best the year we prepared for our wedding, but no. You'll only keep on getting better through time. What worked for me the past year?